What We Do
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Freedom from the past to live free in the future. Healing from the effects of trauma and wounds. Peace and wholeness of soul, spirit, and body. All of these are ours through the person of Jesus.
Rebuilding the Ruins is a private self-supporting non-profit ministry utilizing the approach and teachings of the Beth Shalom Texas inner healing ministry (under Hugh and Monte Bromiley) as well as the tools from these established ministry methods:
Restoring the Foundations (previously certified Issue Focused Minister): restoringthefoundations.org
Dr. Joe Allbright: liberating-the-bruised.com
Dr. Aiko Hormann: www.draikoofficial.com
Derek Prince: www.derekprince.org
Sozo in the style of Bethel: http://bethelsozo.com/ (not certified by Bethel Church)
There is no fee to receive prayer ministry. Gifts are welcome (see the Donate page).
To request an appointment, please click the green "Book Appointment" button above.